Maximilian August Hermann Julius von Laffert  
(10.05.1855 - 20.07.1917)
place of birth:  Lindau
Königreich Sachsen:  KG,  General der Kavallerie

Royal Saxon cavalry officer
Maximilian von Laffert was appointed commander of the Saxon XIX. Army Corps as Germany mobilized for the Great War. Von Laffert was born into the home of Karl von Laffert and Klara von der Wense. Although a family of nobility with roots in Braunschweig (Brunswick), Max was in fact born in the southern part of Bavaria on the shores of Lake Constance. Even so, he entered into the service of the Royal Saxon Army in 1874. Von Laffert was married to the former Marie von Wilke, with whom he had one son and two daughters.

Upon finishing prep school in Celle, Max joined the Dresden Cadet Corps in 1871 and was commissioned as a Seconde-Lieutenant in 1874. Although his first tour of duty was with 3rd Infantry Regiment Nr.102 in Zittau, he later switched to the cavalry, joining up with 1st Hussar Regiment Nr.18 in Grossenhain. From that point, he worked his way through Royal Saxon cavalry units, serving as Inspector of the Military Riding Institute from 1904 to 1907. When Imperial Germany went to War in 1914, General von Laffert commanded Saxony's XIX. Army Corps which was subordinate to General von Hausen's Third Army. Under Laffert's direction, the corps fought in the Marne campaign in 1914, at La Bassee in 1915, on the Lys and Somme rivers in 1916, and at Wytschaetebogen, Belgium in 1917. While still in command of troops based in France, General von Laffert suffered a heart attack during an official business trip to Frankurt and died in July 1917. He is buried at the Nordfriedhof in Dresden.


General der Kavallerie  12.09.1912

Pour le Mérite  01.09.1916

Militär-St-Heinrich  09.09.1914  Ritter  (Komtur II:  31.07.1916)

Curriculum Vitae
00.00.1871 Kadettenkorps - Dresden
01.04.1874 3. Königlich Sächsisches Infanterie-Regiment ,,König Ludwig III von BayernNr. 102 - Zittau  
28.04.1874 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.07.1876 1. Königlich Sächsisches Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert Nr. 18 - Grossenhain
01.11.1878 1. Königlich Sächsisches Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert Nr. 18 - Grossenhain  (Adjutant)
30.10.1880 Premier-Lieutenant
01.10.1883 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
30.04.1885 1. Königlich Sächsisches Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert Nr. 18 - Grossenhain
20.05.1885 Rittmeister
20.05.1885 1. Königlich Sächsisches Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert Nr. 18 - Grossenhain  (Squadron Cdr)
17.07.1889 1. Königlich Sächsische Infanterie-Division Nr. 23 - Dresden  (Adjutant on general staff)   
24.07.1893 Major
24.01.1894 1. Königlich-Sächsisches Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert Nr.18 - Grossenhain  (regimental staff) 
16.11.1898 Oberstleutnant
13.09.1899 Karabinier-Regiment (2. Schweres Regiment) - Borna  (Cdr)  
23.03.1900 Oberst
24.07.1903 Königlich Sächsisches Garde-Reiter-Regiment (1. Schweres Regiment) - Dresden  (Cdr)
23.04.1904 3. Königlich Sächsische Kavallerie-Brigade Nr. 32 - Dresden  (Cdr) 
28.10.1904 Generalmajor
21.09.1907 1. Königlich Sächsische Kavallerie-Brigade Nr. 23 - Dresden  (Cdr, concurrent with below)
01.10.1907 Inspektion der Sächsischen Militär-Reitanstalt  (provisional Inspector General of Royal Saxon Military Riding Institute)
06.07.1908 Offizier von der Armee
22.10.1908 4. Königlich Sächsische Infanterie-Division Nr. 40 - Chemnitz  (Cdr, replaced von Barth)
22.05.1908 Generalleutnant
12.09.1912 General der Kavallerie
28.11.1912 XIX. (II. Königlich Sächsisches) Armeekorps - Leipzig  (Cdr, replaced Hans von Kirchbach)
Great War
02.08.1914 XIX. (II. Königlich Sächsisches) Armeekorps  =  3. Armee
17.03.1916 à la suite:  Husaren-Regiment ,,König Albert'' Nr. 18
02.07.1917 (succumbs to heart failure)




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