Robert Emil von Klüber
(15.09.1873 - 02.03.1919)
place of birth: 
Königreich Preußen:  AOK-Stabschef,  Oberstleutnant  (Kav)

Imperial German cavalry officer Robert von Klüber was known for his distinguished service as a general staff officer during the Great War. He was born into the family of Prussian Generalmajor Friedrich von Klüber. In March of 1898, Robert von Klüber was married to Elsa, the daughter of Generalmajor Paul von Mühlberg.

As the Germans invaded Belgium in August 1914, Major von Kl
über was recalled from military attaché duty at the Embassy in Paris and sent to work with the Great General Staff. He was soon assigned to head up operations at XI. Army Corps headquarters on the Western Front. In June 1915, he was transferred to IX. Army Corps headquarters on the Aisne-Front to take over as General von Quast's Chief of Staff.  In June 1917, while serving as Chief of Staff of General Fritz von Below's First Army, von Klüber was awarded the Pour le Merite for his outstanding leadership during extended defensive fighting along the Champagne-Front.

Following the Armistice, Oberstleutnant von Kl
über was assigned as the War Ministry's liaison officer to the newly-formed Weimar government. In March 1919, he was dispatched to the town of Halle due to the local civil unrest. Although in civilian clothing, he was recognized by the mob as he walked the streets and then received a beating. He was then shot a couple times and thrown into the River Saale. Although initially surviving, as he reached the opposite bank of the river, he was again shot and ultimately died of his wounds. He is interred in the Berliner Invalidenfriedhof, and the Klüberstraße , located in the so-called General's Quarter of Berlin Steglitz is named in his honor.

Oberstleutnant  27.01.1918

Pour le Mérite  14.06.1917

Curriculum Vitae  
00.00.1891 Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ulanen-Regiment  Nr. 15 - Saarburg  (Avantageur)
18.08.1892 Sekonde-Lieutenant
00.00.0000 XV. Armeekorps- Straßburg  (Jäger zu Pferde Detachement)
00.00.0000 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
31.05.1901 Premier-Lieutenant
00.00.0000 Ulanen-Regiment ,,Graf Haeseler (2. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 11 - Saarburg
00.00.1903 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached)
00.00.1906 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (permanent assignment )
00.00.1908 Gardekorps - Berlin  (on Gustav von Kessel's general staff)
20.03.1910 Rittmeister
00.00.1910 Garde-Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 3 - Potsdam  (Squad Cdr)
01.10.1912 Major
01.10.1912 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (permanent assignement)
00.00.1913 Deutsche Gesandtschaft/Botschaft:  Militärattaché - Brüssel, Haag, Paris  (military envoy in Brussels, the Hague, Paris)
Great War  
02.08.1914 Großes Hauptquartier, Generalstab des Feldheeres  (attached to General Staff of the Field Army) 
23.08.1914 4. Kavallerie-Division  (on general staff)
30.08.1914 Großes Hauptquartier, Generalstab des Feldheeres  (recalled to General Staff of the Field Army) 
07.09.1914 XI. Armeekorps  (Ia on Otto von Plüskow's general staff)
17.06.1915 IX. Armeekorps  (Ferdinand von Quast's Chief of Staff)
28.12.1917 Armeeabteilung "A"  (d'Elsa's Chief of Staff, replaced Eulitz)
11.04.1917 1. Armee  (Fritz von Below's Chief of Staff, replaced Loßberg)
27.01.1918 Oberstleutnant
22.06.1918 Armeeabteilung "A"  (Eben's Chief of Staff, replaced Bronsart)
12.10.1918 17. Armee  (Mudra's Chief of Staff, replaced Pawelsz)
04.12.1918 Offizier von der Armee




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