August Wilhelm Heye  
(31.10.1869 - 11.03.1947)
place of birth:  Fulda, Hessen  (Hesse)
Königreich Preußen:  OHL,  AOK-Stabschef,  Oberst

Imperial German colonel Wilhelm Heye was one of his country's most capable staff officers during the Great War. Heye was one of nine children born into the family of a Prussian lieutenant colonel. Much of his pre-war career was spent in staff work, including close to seven years attached to the Great General Staff in Berlin. As a major, he also did a 2-year stint with the Schutztruppe contingent in German Southwest Africa. At mobilization, Heye served as Field Marshal von Woyrsch's chief of staff on the Eastern Front.

Oberstleutnant Heye had the difficult initial task of organizing a joint defensive effort to prevent encirclement by the hard-charging Russian forces. From their headquarters in Slonim (Ukraine), Heye and Woyrsch were able to accomplish their mission, despite having under their command the ill-equipped and poorly trained German Landwehr and Austo-Hungarian First Army troops. Following the armistice with Russia, Heye was transferred West where he served the final year of the Great War as chief of staff for Duke Albrecht.

During the final weeks of the war, General Groener assigned Heye the complex task of convening a session of Germany's highest ranking officers in order to discuss the question of the Army's loyalty to the Kaiser. Heye is also well-known for his activities during the post-War period. He succeeded von Seeckt as Commander in Chief of the Reichswehr (1926-30) and was promoted to the rank of Generaloberst in January 1930. He also made a name for himself as a Stahlhelm leader who strongly advocated rearmament. Heye died in March 1947 in Braunlage, Harz.

Oberst  18.08.1916

Pour le Mérite  20.08.1916  (Eichenlaub:  03.04.1918)

Curriculum Vitae  
00.00.1885 Preußische Hauptkadettenanstalt - Berlin-Lichterfelde
22.03.1888 Sekonde-Lieutenant
22.03.1888 8. Rheinisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 70 - Saarbrücken
22.03.1895 Premier-Lieutenant
01.10.1896 Preußische Kriegsakademie - Berlin
21.07.1899 IV. Matrosen-Artillerie-Abteilung
01.10.1899 Hochsee-Flotte  (2nd Squadron, High Seas Fleet) 
01.11.1899 Russian Language Training - Charkow
20.03.1900 Großer Generalstab - Berlin
22.03.1901 Hauptmann
27.01.1904 3. Posensches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 58 - Glogau  (Coy Cdr)
28.12.1905 5. Infanterie-Division - Frankfurt an der Oder  (on von Dulitz' General Staff)
18.01.1906 Schutztruppe in Deutsch-Südwestafrika  (General Staff during Herero Rebellion)
11.09.1907 Major
21.03.1908 33. Infanterie-Division - Metz  (Ia in von Petzel's General Staff)
25.04.1910 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (IIIb, Intel Section Chief)
18.04.1913 1. Hannoversches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 74 - Hannover  (Bn Cdr)
18.12.1913 Oberstleutnant
Great War  
01.08.1914 Schlesisches Landwehrkorps - von Woyrsch  (von Woyrsch's Chief of Staff)
03.11.1914 Armeeabteilung Woyrsch  (von Woyrsch's Chief of Staff)
18.08.1916 Oberst
17.01.1916 Landwehr Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 37  (Chief of General Staff, concurrent with above)
31.08.1916 Heeresgruppe Woyrsch  (von Woyrsch's Chief of Staff, concurrent with above)
09.09.1917 Heeresgruppe Herzog Albrecht von Württemberg  (Herzog Albrecht's Chief of Staff)
21.09.1918 Oberste Heeresleitung  (Chief of Operations Section)




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