Otto Hasse
(21.06.1871 - 28.09.1942)
place of birth: Schlawe, Pommern  (Slawno, POL)
Königreich Preußen:  AOK-Stabschef,  Oberstleutnant

Imperial German staff officer Otto Hasse served in von Kirchbach's 10th Reserve Corps as Germany mobilized for the Great War. He served the last few months of the War as First Army Chief of Staff under three separate generals. Hasse was awarded the Pour le Merite in December 1917 his outstanding leadership of the X. Army Corps troops engaged in Flanders. He was absorbed into the Reichswehr after the Great War ended, with promotions up to General der Infanterie. He then commanded Gruppen- Kommando 1 from 1929 through 1932. He passed away in Berlin in 1942 and is interred in the Invalidenfriedhof.

Oberstleutnant  18.08.1916

Pour le Mérite  23.12.1917   (Eichenlaub:  12.05.1918)

Curriculum Vitae  
27.09.1890 Infanterie-Regiment ,,Graf Kirchbach (1. Niederschlesisches) Nr. 46 - Posen  (Fahnenjunker)
17.12.1891 Sekonde-Lieutenant
22.07.1900 Premier-Lieutenant
16.03.1905 Hauptmann
13.09.1911 Major
00.00.1911 General-Inspektion des Militär-Verkehrswesens - Berlin  (Chief of Staff to Inspector General of Military Transport)
Great War  
02.08.1914 V. Reserve-Korps  (Ia on von Gündell's General Staff)
24.11.1915 V. Reserve-Korps  (von Gündell and von Garnier's Chief of Staff)
18.08.1916 Oberstleutnant
04.02.1917 X. Reserve-Korps  (von Eberhardt's Chief of Staff)
04.08.1918 9. Armee  (von Carlowitz' Chief of Staff)
23.08.1918 1. Armee  (von Mudra's Chief of Staff)




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