Bernhard Josef Maria von Hartz
(12.04.1862 - 20.08.1944)
place of birth:  Regensburg, Oberpfalz  (Bavaria)
Königreich Bayern:  Bayr-Mil-Bevollm,  Generalleutnant

Bavarian general officer Bernhard von Hartz was detached for duty at Prussian Great General Staff Headquarters in Berlin as Germany mobilized for the Great War. He immediately returned to Munich and went into battle on 2 August as Sixth Army commander Crown Prince Rupprecht's Oberquartiermeister (Senior Deputy). After subsequently commanding a Bavarian division on the Western Front, General von Hartz returned to Berlin to serve as Bavaria's Militärischer Bevollmächtiger (military plenipotentiary) at Great Headquarters. He then replaced Ritter von Frommel as head of Generalkommando zbV Nr 57 during the last few months of the War. Following the Armistice, Hartz received the brevet rank of General der Infanterie.

General von Hartz was married to Pauline Benzino from Kusel-Pfalz, with whom he had a daughter Erika and a son Hellmut. He passed away in 1944 and was laid to rest in Dorfen, Oberbayern.

Generalleutnant  19.05.1915
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 00.03.1914  Ritter

Curriculum Vitae
00.00.0000 Kadettenkorps - München 
00.00.0000 Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leibregiment - München 
06.08.1881 Portepée-Fähnrich
09.04.1884 Sekonde-Lieutenant
13.06.1892 Premier-Lieutenant
01.10.1892 Bayerisches Kriegsakademie - München  (graduated Sept 1895)
17.03.1897 Hauptmann
00.00.1901 Bayerisches Kriegsministerium - München  (Personnel Affairs Section)
21.09.1904 Major
00.00.0000 Bayerischer Generalstab, Zentralstelle -  München
00.00.1905 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached from Bavarian General Staff)
11.09.1907 Oberstleutnant
24.01.1910 Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leibregiment - München  (Cdr)
07.03.1910 Oberst
01.10.1912 2. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Brigade - München  (Cdr)
01.10.1912 Generalmajor
00.00.1913 Großer Generalstab - Berlin  (detached from Bavarian General Staff)
Great War
02.08.1914 6. Armee  (Senior Quartermaster on Crown Prince von Rupprecht's general staff)
19.05.1915 Generalleutnant
07.09.1915 2. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Division  (replaced Hetzel)
08.02.1917 Großes Hauptquartier, Bayerischer Militärbevollmächtigter  (Bavaria's military liaison at Great HQ, replaced von Koeppel)
07.04.1918 Generalkommando z.b.V. Nr. 57  (replaced Rudolf Ritter von Frommel)
11.08.1919 General der Infanterie  (charakter)




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