Eugen Georg Nikolaus von Falkenhayn  
(04.09.1853 - 03.01.1934)
place of birth:  Graudenz, Westpreußen  (Grydziadz, Poland)
Königreich Preußen:  KG,  General der Kavallerie a.D.

Prussian cavalry officer Eugen von Falkenhayn commanded XXII. Reserve Corps for the duration of the Great War. Falkenhayn, who was War Minister Erich von Falkenhayn's older brother, had retired from active duty in 1910 and was serving as major domo (Oberhofmeister) to Her Majesty Queen Auguste Viktoria. He was reactivated within the first month of mobilization and sent to head up the newly-established XXII. Reserve Corps.

The corps moved to Dixmuiden in Flanders just in time to join Fourth Army engaged in the October 1914 Battle on the Yser. They remained in Flanders until early summer of 1915, when the corps was shipped out to Russia to support General von Mackensen's offensive. It was for his leadership during the crossing of the River Bug and taking of Brest-Litovsk that General von Falkenhayn was awarded the Pour le Merite. At the end of March 1916, Falkenhayn's corps returned to the Western Front to battle at Verdun. They remained there only until June, however, when the corps was again transferred East. This time, they joined forces under Heeresgruppe Linsingen and took up defensive positions near Kowel during the Brusilov Offensive.

The entire year of 1918 had Falkenhayn's troops first participating in the taking of the Ukraine, and then in serving as occupational forces there. After the Armistice, General von Falkenhayn personally lead his reserve corps soldiers back to the German homeland, where he retired from active duty for the second time. Falkenhayn's granddaughter, Maria von Quistorp, was the spouse of noted German scientist Wernher von Braun. 

General der Kavallerie  10.09.1914
Eisernes Kreuz II Deutsch-Französischer Krieg  1870–1871

Pour le Mérite  28.08.1915  (Eichenlaub: 13.11.1915)

Curriculum Vitae
02.08.1870 Kürassier-Regiment ,,Königin (Pommersches) Nr. 2 - Pasewalk  (Avantageur)
02.08.1870 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg von 1870–1871   (awarded Iron Cross during Franco-Prussian War)
08.12.1870 Sekonde-Lieutenant
02.08.1879 Premier-Lieutenant
00.00.0000 Großer Generalstab - Berlin 
14.04.1885 Rittmeister
00.00.0000 Deutsche Botschaft:  Militärattaché - Paris  (German military envoy in Paris, France)
00.00.1889 Hauptquartier SM Wilhelm II:  Militärgouverneur - Berlin  (private tutor to Kaiser Wilhelm II's two eldest sons)
23.05.1890 Major
14.07.1895 Garde-Dragoner-Regiment ,,Königin Viktoria von Groß Britannien und Irland Nr.1 - Berlin  (Cdr)
18.07.1896 Oberst-Lieutenant
27.01.1898 IX. Armeekorps - Altona  (Alfred Graf von Waldersee's Chief of Staff)
25.03.1899 Oberst
18.12.1901 19. Kavallerie-Brigade - Hannover  (Cdr)
19.06.1902 Generalmajor
20.03.1906 3. Kavallerie-Inspektion - Münster  (Inspector General, replaced von Natzmer)
10.04.1906 Generalleutnant
15.04.1908 11. Infanterie-Division - Breslau  (Cdr, replaced von Goßler)
02.05.1910 General der Kavallerie  (charakter)
02.05.1910 zur Disposition gestellt, Oberhofmeister der Kaiserin  (Senior Hofmeister to Her Majesty Auguste Viktoria)
Great War
10.09.1914 General der Kavallerie
10.09.1914 XXII. Reservekorps
30.01.1919 außer Dienst




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