Karl Ignaz Maria Ritter von Brug
(15.06.1855 - 25.04.1923)
place of birth: 
 Dirlewang, Schwaben (Swabia)
Königreich Bayern:  KG,  General der Infanterie

Karl Ritter von Brug served as a Bavarian general during the Great War and is also credited as establishing air travel in Bavaria. He was born and raised in the Unterallgäu district of southern Germany, the son of a doctor. He attended high school in Augsburg and later studied to be an architect at the Poly-technical Institute in Munich.

Brug began his military career in 1878 when he joined  the Bavarian Army's combat engineers corps. As a captain and company commander in 1890, he was selected to head up the Army's newly established airship detachment. For his meritorious leadership during peacetime, he was awarded the Ritter (Knight class) of the Bavarian crown's order of merit - the Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone. The official presentation of the decoration in 1904 elevated him into Bavarian nobility with the title of "Ritter von Brug."

General von Brug was eventually in 1909 appointed as chief inspector of the Royal Bavarian Corps of Engineers. When German forces mobilized for World War One, Ritter von Brug continued as the head of the Bavarian combat engineer troops who were engaged on the Western Front, also functioning as Crown Prince Rupprecht's combat engineers chief at Sixth Field Army headquarters. Brug had to retire from military service in 1916 due to health issues which arose during the campaign in France. As a civilian, however, von Brug remained in the area of aviation development in Germany. He was a member of several scientific societies. General von Brug died in April 1923 in his adopted hometown of Garmisch, Bavaria.

General der Infanterie  19.03.1914
Verdst-Ord Bayr-Krone 00.00.1904  Ritter

Curriculum Vitae
00.00.1873 Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Regiment  (Einjährig-Freiwilliger)
00.00.1877 Königlich Bayerisches Ingenieurkorps
01.08.1877 Sekonde-Lieutenant
01.10.1881 Bayerische Kriegsakademie - München  (graduated Sept 1884)
20.03.1884 Premier-Lieutenant
15.05.1890 1. Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Regiment ,,König” - München  (Coy Cdr)
24.04.1892 Hauptmann
00.00.1895 unknown
28.10.1897 Major
28.10.1901 Oberstleutnant
26.01.1902 I. Königlich Bayerisches Armeekorps -  München  (Prinz Arnulf von Bayern's Chief of Staff)
05.12.1903 Oberst
00.00.1904 in den erblichen Adelstand erhoben  (elevated into the Bavarian nobility, VOBK)
17.10.1905 Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leibregiment - München  (Cdr)
11.09.1906 Generalmajor
12.10.1906 1. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Brigade -  München  (Cdr)
27.03.1909 Inspektion des Ingenieur-Korps und Festungen -  München  (Inspector General of the Engineer Corps, replaced v. Windisch)
07.03.1910 Generalleutnant
00.01.1912 Königlich Bayerisches Fliegerkorps Kommando -  München-Oberwiesenfeld
01.04.1912 Militärfliegerstation Oberschleißheim
19.03.1914 General der Infanterie
Great War
02.08.1914 6. Armee  (Crown Prince Rupprecht's Chief of Combat Engineers)
20.03.1916 zur Disposition gestellt




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